Customize your Land-Based Northern Lights generator set with the quality of our factory-built options and accessories.
- Control you generator at the touch of a button
- Monitor it’s performance quickly and easily with a Northern Lights control panel
- Shutdowns for all systems are available
- Pre-alarms warn you before a shut down occurs
- Monitor your generator without having to go to it
- Mount your panel anywhere you want and connect it with a sturdy Northern Lights wire extension harness
- Make simple repairs and routine maintenance quickly and with confidence
- Operator’s manuals include photographs and easy-to-read directions
- Parts manuals offer exploded-view pictures of components and parts numbers
- Paper manuals come standard; CDs available on request
- Thoughtfully mounted fuel filter is easily serviced and designed to reduce fuel spills
- Large top mounted air bleed and fuel pump priming lever provide for fast, painless fuel filter changes
- Shutdowns for all systems are available
- Pre-alarms warn you before a shut down occurs
- Keeps weather damage to a minimum