For vessel owners and captains who can’t travel to on-site training, the following classes are offered via video conference.
There is no cost for this course for owner/operators of Northern Lights-powered vessels.
Classes begin at 10:00 am and end at 12:30 pm Pacific Time each day. Participants must have Zoom installed, including audio and camera capability.
Students will be able to understand installation requirements, model nomenclature, operation, maintenance and basic diagnostics of Northern Lights generators. Each class will cover a particular topic of service and maintenance on a 5-20kW Northern Lights marine generator set. Of course, you may select multiple classes.
Day One: Secrets of the Operator’s Manual – Lowering your maintenance costs pro-actively
Day Two: Cooling and Exhaust Systems – How to stay ahead of big maintenance issues
Day Three: Basic Electricity for Everyone – Demystifying the magic
Day Four: Fuel Systems – Filters, priming and bleeding
To register for a class, please contact Scott Putnicki via email – sputnicki@northern-lights.com. We are unable to accept telephone registrations for these online courses.
Note that Northern Lights training classes may be recorded for future use. By signing up for the class you agree to allow your likeness and/or voice to be used in publicly available video content.